August 23, 2024

The 4 key takeaways you need from AntiCon

Benoit Legendre
Paid Search Lead
Yexuan Li
Paid Search Exec

AntiCon is one of the biggest conferences that delivers the latest industry insights across AI, marketing and sales, run by LXA. Hosting a roster of prolific speakers from HubSpot, Reckitt, BlueConic and Virgin to name a few. 

Our Paid Media team headed there in May to learn from the biggest and brightest minds in the industry. Over to Benoit Legendre and Yexuan Li as they share their key takeaways from the event…

The Mar-tech landscape is shifting 

It’s fair to say that a resounding sentiment echoes throughout the industry that the entire Mar-tech landscape is shifting. According to Scott Brinkers Martech Roadmap, the tools available are growing at a staggering 27.8% year on year, and with it customer expectations of UX design and service. 

Companies are rapidly adding new SaaS apps at an average of 6.2 every month for businesses with 501-2,500 employees. But it isn’t enough to add new tools, brands need to strategically assess that their new technologies solve real problems and business outcomes. 

Cue AI…

The rise of AI tools and advancements is exciting and offers limitless possibilities that grow arguably by the hour, but knowing which tools work for you and how to use them efficiently is what will be a differentiator for business. AI can be disruptive for ad targeting, SEO, social media and email marketing but it can also democratise content creative, data analysis and governance. Scott Brinker argues that we need to embrace AI and consider it as another tool to develop solutions in the complex data marketing world.

Building 1st party data in the 3rd party depreciation era

Building a first-party data-centred strategy in the third-party deprecation era was a key topic, despite Google's continued postponement of the 3rd party cookie depreciation. Nicky Peterse shared that there are 4 key steps that brands should have in place:

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The Mar-tech landscape is seismically shifting.

Streamlined tracking methods are key to maximising marketing performance

Neil Brookman highlighted that complex tracking methods might lead to a failure in SEM optimisation. Too many tags will slow down the laid speed, and every one-second delay will cause a 7% decrease in conversions and a 16% drop in customer satisfaction.Third-party tracking tags (Google, Meta, etc.) can slow down your website, impacting SEO ranking and conversion rates (CvR). Additionally, complying with data privacy regulations (cookie banners, consent) adds complexity.

What can you do to maximise your marketing performance? 

Server-side tracking offers a solution by loading tracking scripts on your server instead of the user's device, potentially improving page speed and reducing the impact of ad blockers. This can lead to better SEO ranking and CvR. However, it's not a one-size-fits-all approach.

While there are definitely benefits to server side tracking, if you’re an eCommerce retailer, there are some considerations to consider before implementation: 

Server-side tracking is more relevant for enterprised organisations with complex marketing setups and a significant need for accurate data collection, despite potential technical hurdles.

Understanding the bigger picture of your digital marketing performance is vital 

Thomas In’t Veld and Gessica Bicego argue that it is vital to have a consolidated data source so that you can ensure a comprehensive and accurate account of your digital marketing channels that will allow brands to activate or redistribute ad spend to channels that are driving consumers. Centralised reporting and a holistic data view will allow for cross channel communications and a clear view of a brands omnichannel marketing approach capturing data of both on and offline customer journeys. 

If your attribution is broken and your measuring through in-platform metrics and analytics with skewed results, then drop us a line to learn more about COmpass. COmpass is our marketing science suite, built for the future, built to fix attribution.

Benoit Legendre
Paid Search Lead
Yexuan Li
Paid Search Exec
charlie oscar